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Category: Ping

Ping - January 2019

Hey! You're banjaxed!

Hey! You're screwed!

And death is coming for you!

Trapped on an island, lost at sea!

Shipwrecked, you'll cease to be!


Hi everyone.

January is over, and you still see no Awakening 1.0. No, we are not dead, we are working on it, but it …

Category: Awakening

Awakening 0.4.0 Released

We have updated Awakening to version 0.4.0. Save games from previous versions are incompatible.

We have made a lot of changes to chapter 2 and epilogue.

The game still cannot be considered stable, so if you dare to play it - save often and in different slots.

Please report …

Category: Awakening

Awakening 0.3.2 Released

We have updated Awakening to version 0.3.2. Save games are mostly compatible except some rare cases.

We recommend to save often and in different slots(until stable version arrives).

What does it fix?

  • We have done lots of fixes in Chapters 1 and 2. From game-breaking bugs to …

Category: Awakening

Awakening 0.3.1 Released

We have updated Awakening to version 0.3.1. Save games are compatible unless you have not already met an unwinnable condition.

What does it fix?

  • Unwinnable condition in Chapter 1
  • Some minor text issues
  • Some minor dialog changes

If you have encountered unwinnable condition -- you can write us, so …

Category: Awakening

Welcome aboard

Cause if you have a battlecruiser,

Hell, who needs a car?

—Level 80 Elite Tauren Chieftain

2018 is nearly over and we at last have some good news.

First, we are nearing the end of development of our first game - Awakening.

Right now we are presenting you with a testing …

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