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Category: Ping

Ping - 2025.08 - Slow and Steady

February is nearing its end and it's time once again to look back at what has been done and what is to be done.

No releases so far, but the progress is steady (albeit slow):

  • Plainstead version of A Dragon and the Tower has some critical fixes and can be …
Category: Ping

Ping - 2025.04 - Chasing N hares

Ambitious goals are good... When you can reach them. Which is not the case for us. January is over and the progress is... Modest at most.

It's not easy to work on projects in spare time, since you have to share it with a lot of other things. A lot …

Category: Ping

Ping - 2024.52 - Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, everyone!

Time to summarise the last year:

  • A Dragon and the Tower was released with 499 downloads across all platforms (gathered on 29.11.2024 в 19:18 UTC);
    • My first successful attempt at writing music for a game; I'm not sure if I want to continue …
Category: A Dragon and the Tower

A Dragon and the Tower 1.0.4 Released

This update fixes an issue non-critical for game completion. We recommend you to update

A Dragon and the Tower updated to version 1.0.4

  • A couple of typos fixed

Please report any bugs and issues via email: inbox@silverwing.one.

You can download the game here.

Category: A Dragon and the Tower

A Dragon and the Tower 1.0.3 Released

This update fixes an issue non-critical for game completion. We recommend you to update

A Dragon and the Tower updated to version 1.0.3

  • Change default text input method to correctly handle user's keyboard layout
  • Rope can now be used immediately

Game Manual is also updated

  • Added troubleshooting section …
Category: A Dragon and the Tower

A Dragon and the Tower 1.0.2 Released

This update fixes an issue non-critical for game completion. We recommend you to update

A Dragon and the Tower updated to version 1.0.2

  • An error in the terminal is fixed

Please report any bugs and issues via email: inbox@silverwing.one.

You can download the game here.

Category: A Dragon and the Tower

A Dragon and the Tower 1.0.1 Released

This is a minor update, you don't need to update if you're already playing

A Dragon and the Tower updated to version 1.0.1

  • Improved automatic scaling on small screens

Please report any bugs and issues via email: inbox@silverwing.one.

You can download the game here.

Category: Ping

Ping - May 2024 - A Dragon and the Tower - Beta Test

The time has come to start the beta testing of our game.

If you want to participate, please contact me in any meaningful way.

Depending on the number of testers, I may split the process into waves, to show the fixed game to new people.

As soon as we are …

Category: Ping

Ping - June 2022 - Light at the end of the tunnel

After three months of inactivity, we think it is time to make some announcement. Though we cannot speak confidently about our plans and future, we still can give you some news.

Bad news first:

In the nearest month or two you'll most probably not hear from me -- I am extremely …

Category: Ping

Ping - December 2021 - Happy New Year

Happy New Year to everyone!

Sharing news and plans for 2022.

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